What We Do


Children living in extreme poverty, no schools, no development, no infrastructure. Companies like B2gold, HEMCO, Alba Forestal, INFINITY RESOURCES, HKND and Companies in the UN Global Compact take natural resources but do not give back or respect the territories.- Photo Cejudhcan

MNF relies on its board members, supporters and donations to provide social programs that restore the ancient traditions and communities integral to Miskitu indigenous peoples’ identity while propelling them into once again self-sustained modern country.

Fostering Hope, Trust, and Self-reliance

Self-interested individuals and industries have swept through the Miskitu Coast preying on the under-served indigenous peoples. Illegally mining the rich soil of private territories, poisoning rivers with mining byproducts such as arsenic, and deforestation has created a crisis of internal refugees.

Government sanctioned ethnic cleansing and village raids by Colonos (settlers) have destroyed their non-harming traditions and self-reliance.

MNF provides direct and transparent change on an individual and communal level by providing education, social programs, and opportunity to expand their possibilities years to come

“I will not stop killing the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean Coast until leaving only stone with the Sandinista System implanted in the entire region.”

-CDTE. Tomas Borge Martinez, Co-Founder of Sandinista National Liberation Front in Nicaragua & Former Interior Minister of Nicaragua under President Daniel Ortega.





Left: 11year o;d Miskitu boy killed over land.                    Right:  Colonos indiscriminately shoot. 


The intention to suppress literacy and invade the territories of Miskitu peoples to exploit its natural resources goes back to 1893. Under the orders of first President José Santos Zelaya, the original Miskitu Library in Pearl Lagoon, Nicaragua was burned to ashes. This was repeated by President Anastasio Somoza in 1950 when he ordered the private library of Indigenous prince & historian Andrew Hebbert destroyed. Schools are in desperate need of refurbishing and more need to be built. Fortunately, technology has allowed us to go digital with libraries and education through satellite classes. In hand, MNF provides select homes with internet access for satellite schools in the eight largest districts of the Miskitu Coast (the outskirts of Bluefields, Bilwi, Waspam, Rio Coco, Monkey Point, Rama, and Prinzapolka). Educators and community leaders are receiving laptops with internet access.    Miskitu history/culture and Language are being restored as well as Homeopathic and Western medical techniques, the arts,  writing, English, Spanish computer/internet skills, math, and sciences


Photo Jose Coleman Hendy Clarence




  Crops funded by SAVEMNF

We have implemented an agricultural relief project to repair the damaged ecosystem caused by industrialization, deforestation, and intimidation tactics (such as arson to force original people off their farmlands).  Restoring the soil, planting organic, naturally occurring, non-GMO crops, until the agriculture yield is steady enough to become a form of self-reliance.

Farmers will be part of a collective: enabling them to rent equipment, take out small business loans and profit share. After a healthy harvest, 20% of his/her profit goes to other farmers in need.

Your donations help plant beans, rice, ginger, mangos, mint, melons, potatoes, tomatoes, pineapple, cocoa, reforestation and hemp (for fabric, textile, plastic alternatives, fuel, and building materials). A direct action in helping the world’s ecosystem replenish herself!

 Photo Laura Charmaine

   Miskitu boys on a tranquil day- Photo Luara Charmaine                                                                                                See Videos on our current MNF farming projects 



Currently, there are only two hospitals, in deplorable conditions, in the entire Miskitu Nation. Access is limited, hitching rides or long treks on foot are required.  Many in grave condition die en route. Wound care is the highest level of assistance delivered to victims. A revival of traditional healers and medicine has become the standard point of care.

We are attempting to close the health care gap in Miskitu territories.  The goal of MNF is to allow a hybrid of traditional and modern medicine by providing pop-up clinics in areas of devastation. These pop-up clinics rely on volunteer clinicians to provide care: ranging from light training on first aid, preventive screenings, condition-specific treatment, counseling for sex education, trauma and prenatal care for a little-to-no cost to patients.


This is the dire status of the state sanctioned hospitals given to the Miskitu people. Many divers who are used through international companies are affected by “the bends” which is fatal in many cases, in addition to the poor state of cleanliness of the ecosystem of Miskitu Coast contributing to infections, malnutrition, and disease.


We have distributed cameras and laptops to elder members of villages under attack in order to document their strife first hand.  The result has been unbiased, authentic footage straight from the source. Posting their stories on social media outlets has made a difference in the information pipeline. We encourage you to research their accounts: #miskitu #nativelivesmatter. This unbiased information provides a strong case for our legal and human rights activism we do from the States





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This website was created for the empowerment and self-determination of the inhabitants of the Miskitu/Mosquitia Nation.